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Do I Need AC Repair or AC Replacement Service?

Technician repairing an AC condenser unit outside

Your air conditioner has been nicknamed “Old Faithful” because, over the years, it has never given you any trouble. It delivers that cool air during the hottest of the Florida summer days and provides warmth during those two nights you actually need it here in the winter. But out of nowhere, “Old Faithful” stops blowing cool air, and you start to freak out. You know you have to call an Orlando Air Conditioner repair company, and you brace yourself, hoping you do not hear “you need a new AC unit.” So, what is it going to be for you? Repair or replacement?

It is stating the obvious, but the older the unit, the more likely it is to break past the point of no return and also not be as efficient as it once was. Generally, if your AC unit is more than 14 years old, it is about that time to start considering a new one. First of all, the energy saved per month that will be reflected on your power bill, means that over time, buying a newer home can save you money in the long run. The second thing to consider is that air conditioning repairs may be a waste of money.

So, how do you know if your AC unit needs to be replaced or repaired? By only hiring a reputable company can you know the answer. A trained air conditioner technician can help determine if your air conditioner is on its last legs, or if a simple repair is needed.

The Orlando Air Conditioner repair technicians at Air Flow Designs have been helping Floridians with their AC problems, whether it be to repair or install a new one, for over 60 years. If you are having problems with your air conditioning unit, please contact us for a no-obligation estimate of a repair or new unit. You can call us at (407) 831-3600, or contact us online. We look forward to helping you with this decision.

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