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The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Elderly woman with her hands cupped over her nose

Many homeowners don’t realize that today’s homes are constructed with tighter seals, heightened insulation, and less porous materials. While this is great for keeping heat or cool air inside, it also plays an instrumental role in trapping stagnant air or contaminants and recirculating them throughout your house.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air quality can be as much as five times more polluted than outdoor air. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure your indoor air quality remains fresh, resulting in a healthier home for your loved ones.

Things to Know About Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the quality of the air that is in and around your home, especially as it pertains to your health and well-being. Pollutants in your home’s air can have both short-term and long-term effects on your health, and understanding what affects the purity of your home’s air is the first step in achieving optimal air quality.

Different Types of Air Pollutants & How They Impact Your Health

There are a variety of pollutants that may find themselves circulating through your home’s heating or cooling system. Some of the most common include:

  • Fuel-burning combustion appliances
    • Wood heaters
    • Furnace
    • Gas range
    • Generator
    • Fireplace
    • Unvented kerosene heaters
  • Tobacco products
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Excess moisture or mold
  • Outdoor pesticides
  • Household cleaning products
  • Deteriorated asbestos-containing insulation
  • Newly installed flooring, upholstery, or carpet

While some of these pollutants may sound more familiar than others, they can each play a harmful role in the overall quality of your home’s air.

If you have questions, the air quality experts at Air Flow Designs can provide you with comprehensive solutions catered to your home. Contact our team online today to discuss your unique air quality needs.

The Value of Good Indoor Air Quality in Your Florida Home

The older you get, the more you realize the importance of good health. You may pride yourself on exercising regularly, choosing nutritious meals, and making mental health a priority. An often-overlooked but crucial aspect of your health and well-being is educating yourself on the environmental pollutants that could derail your healthy lifestyle, such as poor indoor air quality in your home.

Short-term Effects of Indoor Air Pollutants

Immediate effects from poor air quality can seem similar to a cold or other viral disease, making it difficult to pinpoint the cause. It is especially important to pay attention to when symptoms occur. If there are pollutants in your home’s air causing irritation, symptoms may persist more when you are in your home for long periods, and fade when you are outside your home.

Long-term Effects of Indoor Air Pollutants

Other effects of indoor air contamination may not surface for years beyond exposure. These can include some respiratory diseases, heart disease, and even cancer. It is always in your best interest to do everything you can to ensure your home’s air quality is as pure as it can be, both for the short-term and long-term health of you and your loved ones.

How to Maintain Healthy Indoor Air Quality

The first step in achieving optimal indoor air quality is to enlist the help of professionals. The experts at Air Flow Designs can get your home on track to providing you and your family with great indoor air quality that is affordable and easy to maintain.

Germicidal UVC Lamp Installation

If you’re looking for a comprehensive air sanitizing system that can rid your home of airborne contaminants such as bacteria, germs, and viruses, then our high-output germicidal UVC lamp is a great option! Our high-output germicidal lamps kill or deactivate airborne viruses, bacteria, germs, and other bioaerosols that travel through your system and recirculate throughout your house, including:

  • Germs & Infectious Agents: Viruses, mold, bacteria, flu virus, pollen growth, and mold
  • Chemical Gases & Odors: Chemicals, pesticides, cleaning solvents, and building materials
  • Particles & Allergens: Dust, skin flakes, dust mites, pet dander, smoke, hair

For more information on germicidal UVC lamp installation, contact our team of air quality experts today! 

Air Scrubbers & Air Purifiers

Two more common methods of air purification within your home include air scrubbers and air purifiers. While air scrubbers require more initial setup, they are a great way to rid your home of airborne contaminants effectively. Air purifiers are an affordable and plentiful option, as you can purchase these from a variety of places, but you should always do your research to make sure you are choosing the best air purifier for the space in which it will be used. Let’s take a closer look at each to understand how they work to effectively clean your home’s air.

Air scrubbers utilize your home’s duct system to create a search-and-retrieve approach to air sanitization. Specially coated tubes are inserted into your duct system, along with UVC lighting. This creates negative ions that are released into the air and attach themselves to positively charged contaminants. This not only neutralizes them but also weighs them down so that they can no longer stay afloat.

During the first few days of using an air scrubber, you may notice an increase in dust around your home, which can be easily vacuumed or wiped away. This is a sure sign that your air scrubber is doing its job. After this initial period, there won’t be much dust at all. An added benefit to air scrubbing is that it not only kills 99.9% of contaminants in your home’s air, but it cleans all surfaces as well.

Air purifiers rely on a filter system to pull air in and neutralize negative contaminants, releasing balanced and clean air back into your home. The longer your air purifier runs, the more air it’s able to neutralize, resulting in cleaner air circulating within your home. Air purifiers are available at most retail home stores and are a great first step in ensuring clean air for your home.

How Air Flow Designs Can Help Your Home Achieve Optimal Air Quality

When it comes to achieving the best air quality for your home, the options may seem overwhelming. If you have questions about which purification system is best for you, contact the professionals at Air Flow Designs to discuss everything from your home’s size to its age and your budget. We can give you invaluable information and help you choose an air quality system that works for your unique needs. Our team is standing by to provide you with exceptional customer service at an affordable price! We pride ourselves on being the most knowledgeable experts in your area, and we will make sure you are 100% satisfied with our services – guaranteed!

Contact our team of air quality experts today to take the first steps toward healthy indoor air quality in your Florida home!

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