R-22, also known as Freon, is a refrigerant is used in air conditioning units. It’s considered an ozone-depleting substance by the Environmental Protection Agency, and as of January 2020, it may not be manufactured in the U.S. or imported.
The ban may seem sudden, but it’s been in the works for a while. The EPA has been limiting the use of certain refrigerants since the 1990s – as a group, they’re called hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) or Class II substances — and air conditioning manufacturers stopped making units that use R-22 in 2010.
If you’re a home or business owner, the ban is important to note, because AC units manufactured prior to 2010 will be affected. For Jacksonville and Orlando, Florida homeowners, the team at Air Flow Designs is here to provide information.
For more information, contact our team online today.
What Does This Mean for Homeowners?
You might be wondering what this might mean for you as a homeowner. If your unit was installed in the last few years, you can relax: It doesn’t use R-22. If you’re not sure how old your system is, you can check the system panel label to find out its age and what kind of refrigerant it uses. You can also look up the model number with the manufacturer.
While you may not need to stop using a working system immediately, it’s worth it to make a plan for replacement now. There’s no more R-22 being made, so prices may rise significantly on the remaining stock, and eventually there will be none left. Service and repairs may be more expensive or more difficult. At some point, you will need to replace your unit with a newer model that doesn’t use R-22.
The Benefits of Replacing Current Systems With a Newer System
Newer systems, which don’t use R-22, are far more efficient than the older models made to run on R-22. A newer model can save you a significant amount in energy costs, offsetting much of the cost of installation. Replacing your system now will mean you’ll have an efficient, effective AC in place before spring and summer hit, so you’ll know you can stay cool in the Florida heat. At Air Flow Designs, we offer not only services on many brands but also warranty registration.
Contact Air Flow Designs for R-22 Refrigerant Ban Information
If you want more information or if you are interested in receiving a free estimate to replace your unit, reach out to our team about our specials on replacing R-22-reliant systems. We are dedicated to helping you maintain a system that is not only efficient but also effective and environmentally responsible.
Contact Air Flow Designs about the latest information on the R-22 ban and installation specials on newer models by contacting our team online.