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Family Owned & Operated Since 1958 • License CAC1817590

Air Cleaners & Purifiers

Air Cleaner & Air Purifier Services in Jacksonville & Orlando

Air quality can have a huge impact on your comfort, as well as your health. Inside your Florida home, there can be a wide range of indoor pollutants at any time, from dust and pet dander to pollen, mold spores, or even insect droppings. These contaminants can irritate your nose and throat, cause skin inflammation, or aggravate asthma, allergies, COPD, and other respiratory conditions

If you would like to improve the air quality in your home, turn to our team at Air Flow Designs. We offer air cleaner and air purifier installations, service, and repairs, and we can help you select a system that will perform the best for your needs and budget. We have been serving Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa, Haines City, and the surrounding areas since 1958, providing trusted, reliable air conditioningheating, and indoor air quality services.

Carrier Infinity air conditioner condenser
Carrier Infinity air conditioner condenser

Carrier: A Name You Can Trust

Air Flow Designs is a certified Carrier® dealer. Save money with an energy efficient unit!

Could your indoor air quality in the Orlando area use a bit of improvement? Contact Air Flow Designs online or call one of our local offices to speak with an HVAC expert today.

How Does an Air Cleaner Work?

The most basic mechanical air cleaners work by forcing air through a dense filter, which acts like a sieve to capture larger particles. For small particles, HEPA filters can remove over 99% of airborne contaminants down to 3 microns. Odors and smoke can be eliminated with activated carbon filters. However, you should always consult your technician regarding the best filter for your system during your yearly tune-up, as some highly-praised filters can do far more harm than good.

Electrostatic or iconic air purifiers use electricity to charge contaminant particles, attracting them to surfaces with the opposite charge to remove them from the air. This method is often used to improve the effectiveness of standard filtering systems. UV lights destroy DNA and kill microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and mold spores in a matter of seconds.

To learn more about the different types of air purifiers, contact our team today. We work with leading manufacturers to provide our customers with the best air cleaners and air purification systems.

The Benefits of Air Cleaners

Air cleaners and purifiers can greatly the improve air quality inside your Jacksonville or Orlando home, which can provide several benefits for your family:

  • Less household dust
  • More efficient HVAC operation
  • Improved overall health and comfort
  • Fewer asthma and allergy symptoms
  • Less congestion, eye, and throat irritation

For the vast improvement in comfort, as well as the tangible health benefits, air cleaners are often well worth the cost. Contact us today to learn which model is the best choice for your Haines City home.

Our Air Cleaner & Purifier Services in Tampa

When you need an air cleaner installed or serviced, trust Air Flow Designs. Our air cleaner services in the Tampa area include:

  • Air cleaner installation – Our experts can help you select the best air cleaner for your home, and we can provide a professional, long-lasting installation.
  • Air cleaner repairs – Having trouble with your air cleaner. From failed fan motors to faulty controls or damaged ionizing wires, our experts can repair many air cleaner problems.
  • Air cleaner maintenance – Make sure your air cleaner performs at its best with periodic maintenance like air filter replacements, motor testing, thorough clanging, and more.

To schedule air cleaner repairs, maintenance, or installations in the Tampa area, contact us today.

Schedule Air Cleaner Services in Haines City

Make a dramatic difference in your indoor air quality with air cleaner services from Air Flow Designs. We are committed to the comfort and health of our customers, and we can help with all your air quality needs.

Call us today or contact us online to schedule air cleaner services in the Tampa area today!

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